This week I chose the rap duo Zion I (Zion eye) song
Coastin' because that's what I got to do last week, was just coast and have a more or less relaxing week for once. Check the song out, it has an old school hip-hop vibe, from a fairly modern and under-the-radar rap group.
Anyway, I only had a legion baseball game to cover, so only a few pictures this week.
However, I again would like to share an opinion piece this week. Any feedback on these opinions (positive or negative) would be fantastic. I might start posting these in the paper if I get some positive reinforcement.
Not long ago I might have been one of the biggest haters that the NBA had. I didn't just dislike the league, the players, the game itself, I loathed it. From the 'gangsta' attitude of the players, to outrageous style, the lack of fundamentals, the 'I before we' mentality. None of it appealed to me at all. Perhaps what made me the most furious was seeing a highlight from a game where someone made an 'amazing play' in which they traveled. I guess I just didn't understand the reason for having a rule, if the refs aren't going to enforce, and I still don't.
And well I still like March Madness much more than the NBA, I have gradually pushed my qualms about the game behind me and become a genuine fan. This past season I logged more minutes watching NBA, following stat lines online and cheering for my favorite team (Da' Bulls) than ever.
Quick tangent on the Bulls, they aren't my favorite because they are one of the best teams in the league (though it doesn't hurt to be able to cheer for a winner) they are because they play the old-school style of basketball. They play with solid fundamentals in which they promote a defense-first philosophy. The Bulls fight hard for rebounds and most of all hustle, things that teams in the NBA don't normally do these days. Not to say they don't completely lack flair or excitement, DRose brings that to the table with some of the ridiculous things he can do, but first and foremost they are a traditional and solid basketball squad, which is why they are my favorite.
Ok, so anyway, I am a fan of the NBA now. Which brings me to the pending NBA finals that begin tonight between the Thunder and Heat. Now, these are both teams that I loathe, and not love to hate, but purely I despise them.
So, it makes it interesting who I am going to decide to cheer for, I mean, I could tune it out all together, but what fun would that be? I continued to turmoil over the deal, contemplating which team deserves it the most, who had the easier road? Certainly it was the Heat, as I had previously been cheering for the Spurs (similar style to the Bulls) and the Spurs were really the team to beat. However, just because the Thunder beat the Spurs, doesn't mean I'm going to cheer for them.
I hate the Thunder. I hate everything about them from Harden's homeless-man beard, to Russell Westbrooks faux-swag (and oft detrimental play) to Perkins face, which just makes me want to punch him, all the way to Durant's inexplicable ability to just pull up in someone's face and drain a 26-footer (not that it's a bad thing for him, but as a fan of the other team it pisses me the hell off). All of it just irks me, not to mention they are some of the worst actors on the planet. Some of those flops make Vlade Divac look like an Oscar-winner.Yet they still get the calls.
Not to say I'm a huge fan of the Heat either, what Lebron did to Cleveland still hurts to think about. He completely mishandled the situation, and made a fool of himself in the process. Sure he's probably the most talented person to play the sport ever, but that doesn't mean he's not a douche. And speaking of douche's, enter Dwayne Wade. Another example of overconfident and often poor and selfish play, Wade is another athlete that I plain despise. Plus, Bosh looks like an alien or a raptor, I can't quite decide.
With two teams that I abhor, who am I supposed to cheer for? I've come to the gritty conclusion that the Heat are just a little bit more worthy of my attention and applause. Though the brandish, individualistic atmosphere of the finals is not one I'm looking forward to, as a newly dubbed fan of the NBA I will no doubt tune into the finals and be cheering for the Heat. Just don't expect me to be sporting a Lebron jersey.
Anyway, enough with that, here are my pics:
Bottineau's Taylor Milbrath delivers a pitch last Friday against Velva. |
Hunter Braaten scoops up a ground ball during the 10-2 loss to Velva in game one. |
Second baseman Devin Bercier applies the tag on Zach Podoll of Velva after a strike from Bottineau catcher Mark LaCroix. |
Lee Schneider rips one of six singles in the double header. |
Schneider snags a pop fly from his third base position. |